Láminas de revestimiento de estanques son el revestimientos de geomembrana Idealmente diseñados para instalarse sin estrés y simplemente destinados a actuar como una barrera. Las láminas de revestimiento para estanques son revestimientos de membranas geosintéticas de baja permeabilidad y materiales de ingeniería geotécnica que se utilizan ampliamente para estanques de acuicultura, contención de desechos sólidos, minería y aplicaciones de contención de agua.

1. What Are Pond Lining Sheets?

Las láminas de revestimiento para estanques, como las proporcionadas por BPM, son membranas o barreras impermeables que se utilizan para contener el agua dentro de un estanque. Están fabricados con polietileno de alta densidad (HDPE) de alta calidad con una formulación que incluye resina de polietileno virgen, negro de humo, antioxidantes, agentes antienvejecimiento y componentes de resistencia a los rayos UV.

La Revestimiento de HDPE utilizado en las láminas de revestimiento de estanques BPM ofrece varias características importantes. Presenta baja permeabilidad, lo que garantiza una mínima filtración y fuga de agua. Su alta resistencia a la tracción y su excelente resistencia química lo convierten en una opción confiable para diversas aplicaciones de contención de agua, incluidos los estanques de camarones. La excelente capacidad de agrietamiento por tensión del revestimiento mejora aún más su durabilidad y longevidad.

Las láminas de revestimiento para estanques BPM están diseñadas específicamente para cumplir con los requisitos de contención de agua en estanques de camarones. Proporcionan una barrera estable y segura que evita la pérdida de agua y mantiene el nivel de agua deseado. La baja permeabilidad del revestimiento de HDPE reduce el riesgo de contaminación y ayuda a crear un ambiente adecuado para el cultivo de camarón.

Además de sus cualidades técnicas, las láminas de revestimiento para estanques BPM también son conocidas por su compatibilidad con las prácticas de cría de camarones. Ofrecen una superficie amigable para los camarones y contribuyen a un ambiente acuícola saludable y productivo.

Con su combinación de baja permeabilidad, alta resistencia a la tracción, resistencia química, capacidad de agrietamiento por tensión y características amigables con los camarones, las láminas de revestimiento para estanques BPM son una excelente opción para la contención del agua de los estanques de camarones y contribuyen al éxito de las operaciones de cultivo de camarones.

Láminas de revestimiento de estanques para estanques camaroneros en Ecuador
Láminas de revestimiento de estanques para estanques camaroneros

2. What Are Benifits of Pond Lining Sheets For Shrimp Pond?

Pond lining sheets offer numerous benefits for shrimp ponds, promoting shrimp health, farm efficiency, and effective water management. These advantages can be summarized as follows:

2.1  Water Retention

Pond lining sheets act as a barrier, preventing water seepage into the surrounding soil. By maintaining consistent water levels, these liners play a crucial role in shrimp farming. Reduced water loss translates into lower pumping costs and decreased freshwater usage, leading to cost savings and sustainable water management practices.

2.2 Calidad del agua

Pond lining sheets contribute to maintaining optimal water quality in shrimp ponds. They help control unwanted elements by:

  • Preventing Soil Contamination: By separating the pond water from the ground, liners prevent substances like acidic soil or pollutants from seeping into the water. This creates a healthier environment for shrimp and reduces the risk of water contamination.
  • Minimizing Algae Growth: Properly lined ponds offer better control over nutrient levels, which helps to reduce excessive algae growth. Algae can compete with shrimp for oxygen and nutrients, and minimizing their proliferation ensures better shrimp growth and overall pond health.

2.3 Disease Control

Pond lining sheets facilitate effective disease management in shrimp ponds. By providing a barrier, these liners make it easier to control and monitor the pond environment, reducing the risk of disease outbreaks. They also act as a physical barrier, potentially preventing the introduction of harmful pathogens from the underlying soil.

2.4 Gestión de residuos

Lined ponds simplify the process of pond bottom cleaning and waste removal. The smooth and clean surface provided by the pond lining sheets makes it easier to remove accumulated waste, resulting in a cleaner overall environment for shrimp and minimizing the risk of diseases caused by waste buildup.

2.5 Eficiencia mejorada

Pond lining sheets contribute to enhanced efficiency in shrimp farming operations. They enable:

  • Higher Stocking Densities: The improved water quality and controlled pond environment provided by liners often allow for higher shrimp stocking densities. This increases production and profitability by maximizing the use of available space.
  • Reduced Water Exchange: Lined ponds experience less water loss through seepage, reducing the need for frequent water exchange. This lowers water usage and associated costs, making shrimp farming more sustainable and cost-effective.

2.6 Easier Maintenance

Pond lining sheets provide a smooth and clean surface, simplifying pond maintenance tasks such as cleaning and harvesting operations. The ease of maintenance saves time and effort for shrimp farmers.

2.7 Longevidad

High-quality pond lining sheets are designed to be durable and long-lasting. Their longevity reduces the need for frequent replacements, saving costs and resources over time.

Pond lining sheets offer a range of benefits for shrimp ponds, including water retention, improved water quality, disease control, efficient waste management, increased stocking densities, easier maintenance, and long-lasting durability. These advantages contribute to a healthier and more productive environment for shrimp farming, leading to better yields, cost savings, and overall profitability for shrimp farmers.

3. Case Study of Pond Lining Sheets Ecuador for Shrimp Ponds

The shrimp farming industry in Ecuador has experienced significant growth and success over the years. With the country’s active involvement in shrimp farming and increasing export demand, the need for reliable and high-quality pond lining sheets for shrimp ponds has become crucial.

During the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics in Korea, one of our Ecuadorian customers discovered our company and expressed interest in our pond lining sheets designed specifically for shrimp farming applications. After evaluating the quality of our products through provided samples, the customer was satisfied and proceeded to sign an order contract with us. We ensured timely delivery of all the required pond lining sheets for their shrimp farm project.

At BPM, we take pride in our team of professional engineers who possess extensive expertise in pond lining projects. Their attention to detail and commitment to flawless execution ensure the success of shrimp pond projects in Ecuador. With their meticulous project management skills, our customers can rely on us for professional guidance and support throughout the entire process.

By choosing our pond lining sheets for shrimp ponds in Ecuador, our customers benefit from the exceptional quality of our products, reliable delivery, and expert project management. We are dedicated to supporting the growth and success of the shrimp farming industry in Ecuador through our superior pond lining solutions and outstanding service.

  • For the specific shrimp pond project in Ecuador, the pond lining sheets were provided with the following specifications:
  • Total quantity: 110,000 square meters
  • Tamaño del rollo: 7m x 150m
  • Espesor: 0.5mm
  • Plazo de entrega: 20 días

This case study highlights our successful collaboration with an Ecuadorian customer in providing pond lining sheets for their shrimp ponds. Our commitment to delivering high-quality products, coupled with professional project management, ensures the satisfaction and success of our customers in the shrimp farming industry.

Láminas de revestimiento de estanques

4. Acerca de los geosintéticos BPM

BPM se ha especializado en ofrecer productos y soluciones integrales de geosintéticos a clientes de todo el mundo desde su fundación en 2007.  BPM había proporcionado muchos tipos de herramientas efectivas y de vanguardia.  geomembranas, geotextiles, geoceldas, revestimientos de arcilla geosintética (GCL), tableros de drenaje y geomallas a más de 36 países. 

BPM geosintéticos is not only manufacturing best quality geosynthetics products but also providing professional design and installation service. OEM, and ODM are also available. If you have any questions or inquiries,  please contact us, we will reply as soon as possible.